"The Constitution of India foremost inspirational source for breaking the Colonial Mindset": Prime Minister Narendra Modi

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At the Constitution Day celebrations 2021, Prime Minister Narendra Modi touched upon the 'Colonial Mindset' which has attacked the aspirations of our countryfolk.

"This colonial mindset has broken 100's of aspirations."

The message was clear:

"We have to break this colonial mindset, we will have to break it! and our biggest inspiration for which is the Constitution of India".

He said that often, in the name of freedom of speech, our aspirations are trampled upon and a concerted effort to hijack them has been on the rise.

While emphasising that though the 'developed' part of world has reached the stature of development after many struggles, the developing countries like ours are often given lectures when they tread the same path of development. 

He exemplified this by stating that the developed nations infamously lead emissions (absolute cumulative emissions) by over 15 times more than India, yet, though India is the only country which is instinctively and civilisationally equipped with inclusive environmental growth, India is the only country where even in rocks and trees, in every iota of nature, the Source is worshipped, lectures are met out to it on Environmental Conservation. 

"Despite our growth in the space of environmental conservation," Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasised that, "India is often pressurised,"

"These pressure tactics which are created are nothing but colonial mindset which has existed since eons. It is this colonial mindset which has trampled our aspirations in the name of freedom of speech often. Our country is surmised on the benchmarks of other nations and with that, development is often sidelined. The people who create these undue pressures are not the ones who originally suffer but those who are hapless. It is the woman whose son is not able to study because of the stalling of an electricity project due to such pressures...."
- Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the the Executive and the judiciary are born from the womb of the Constitution and they are twin siblings. Thus, one cannot function without the other.

The Prime Minister ended the address with the message of Unity, collective aspirations and collective efforts.